Artist Statement

“I look at who I am, or who I may want to be. Confident, beautiful, earthy, and strong. What drives my portraits is the woman who doesn’t have to be flashy, or all made up, but in her natural state, bringing attention to her eyes, because she knows who she is and her worth. Music also plays an important role in the mood and vibe of each portrait, which also helps take me to that place of creativity.”

My style ranges from the broad strokes of beautiful paintings to a Vintage Comic style with modern tones. My artwork celebrates the diversity and beauty of black women in the modern world. I use digital tools and earth tones to create illustrations that depict black women as confident, earthy, strong and radiant. My inspiration comes from the stories, cultures and experiences of black women from different backgrounds and walks of life. I want every black woman who sees my artwork to feel empowered and represented, to recognize her own beauty, strength and confidence in my images. My artwork is a tribute to the black women who have shaped me and the world around me.